Drained yoghurt
600 grams | yoghurt |
Pour the yoghurt on a sieve that’s lined with a kitchen paper and let it drain for at least 24 hours in your fridge. Save both the liquid and the drained yoghurt. The liquid you can use to make a pastille.
2.5 leaves or 4.2 grams | gelatin |
60 grams | cream |
100 grams | orange juice |
40 grams | honey |
200 grams | drained yoghurt |
Start by soaking the gelatin in cold water. Then pour the cream into a saucepan together with the orange juice and the honey. Mix this and then bring it to a boil. After that dissolve the gelatin and mix it once more. Then pour the hot liquid on the drained yoghurt and blend it till smooth. Do this with a hand blender or blend it in a food processor. Now pour it into a siphon and charge it with 2 charges. Shake it well after each charge. Then let it cool down completely in your fridge. The foam has a great texture and stays super stabile.