40 grams | lovage leaves |
200 grams | neutral oil (I use sunflower oil) |
First pick enough lovage for 40 grams of leaves. The stems you can just dry for a powder. Now transfer the leaves into a blender and also add the sunflower oil. Then blend it till the oil is at 65 degrees Celsius. It will heat up from the friction. After that pour it on a sieve that’s lined with a kitchen paper and let it drain in your fridge.
40 grams | egg white |
25 grams | sushi vinegar |
40 grams | ice cubes |
4 grams | salt |
180 grams | cold lovage oil |
Pour the egg white into the blender and also add the sushi vinegar, the ice cubes, the salt and the cold lovage oil we just made. Now blend it till the emulsion is fully emulsified. Then transfer it into a piping bottle and keep it in your fridge for later.